So today my mother and I went to a few used book stores and borders. I was mainly looking for two specific books but of course I brought my list of books I wanted to buy with me.
I decide to read this book after seeing so many previews for the tv show. I have not watched one episode of the show but the previews looked interesting and I decided if I am ever going to watch it I want to read the books first.
For me this book had a slow start. It wasn't until about 100 pages into the book that I really got into it. By the end of the book I am ever bit as curious as the girls to finding out who A is. The reason I took so long to into the book I believe is because of the bouncing back and forth between characters and the flashbacks. Most books I have read when they do flashbacks something about the font changes so later in the book you know when you are in a flashback. This book however kept everything the same. I am ever bit intrigued in finding out what other secrets these girls could possibly have. I have the full intention of finishing out the series.
Was this the best book I have ever read? No but was this the worst book ever? No. I did enjoy reading it and really want to read the rest of the series. It's not getting a 5-star rating from me just because it did take a bit for me to really get into the book. It wasn't until the last 100 pages that I absolutely could not put the back down.
Neither teen is prepared for the most surprising chemical reaction of all – love. Can they break through the stereotypes and misconceptions that threaten to keep them apart?
'Bad Boy' + 'Good Girl' = Perfect Chemistry
This book is a forbidden love story. Like most forbidden love story's Perfect Chemistry had me from beginning to end. The way Simone wrote this book is the way, I believe all forbidden love type stories should be written. It is not written strictly in just one of the characters point of view instead each chapter goes back and forth between Alex and Brittany. I really loved how it did that. To me it gave me the feeling of what was going through each characters brain about the other character. You can truly feel their relationship evolve. I read this book in one day because I could not put it down. You can really feel the "chemistry" between the characters as it develops. From Alex writing on Brittany's paper "Saturday night. You and Me. Driving lessons and hot sex.." to Brittany really letting her fake image down and letting Alex see the real her.
I personally believe that this is not just a forbidden love story it is a story about how it doesn't matter about your outer appearance or who you display yourself as deep down inside we are all the same. The way Simone pulled off the layers of Brittany and Alex as they opened up to each other was not rushed. I feel it was done as realistically as it would have been in reality. There are very few books at there where the forbidden love story can be something you see in everyday life but Perfect Chemistry is something I can see happening between two people in real life.
I am disappointed that the sequel is not really about Alex and Brittany but I still look forward to reading about Alex's brother and his forbidden love. If you are someone who likes forbidden love stories then this book is really something you should pick up and read. The only thing I wish this book had was like a glossary in the back that tells what all the Spanish in the book means. I still don't know what some of it means but I still made it through the book and enjoyed every bit of it.