Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thrasher by KS Smith

Brianna Hamilton wants for nothing, especially her pick of gorgeous men. But one night when an unexpected turn of events unfolds, she collides with 
Duke Thrasher, and there is no denying that she is going to fall hard, and fast.
Duke Thrasher has boundaries that he does not cross, keeping his personal life separate from his work. But when Brianna Hamilton enters his life the lines begin to blur.
Can Duke keep Brianna shielded from his line of duty or will his job destroy them?

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K.S. Smith is a twenty eight year old contemporary romance and erotica author. When she is not writing you will most likely find her nose in a book, spending time with her family and friends or dedicating her time to the military through her favorite non-profit organization.

K.S. Smith was born and raised in Tampa, FL and continues to build her life there in her historic 1928 Bungalow with the love of her life, Jo.

Co-Authored with Megan C. Smith

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Complicated-Ghiselle St. James

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Title: Complicated: A Tainted Love Novella

Author: Ghiselle St. James

Genre: Erotic Romance

Release Date: April 25th


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Seven years ago, a secret had torn them apart, but their love always pulled them back together. Things have taken a turn for the worse, and once again, circumstances have brought them together. Can Rachel continue to hide behind her past, or will she stop running from the one man she would love forever? Can Marshall get his girl back, or will it always be a complicated cycle of make ups and break ups?

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Other Books in the series:

Tainted Love

The first in a new three book series from Ghiselle St. James:

This is not a fairytale. This is not a story of a woman who is perfect. This is not the story of a perfect couple that sails off into the sunset. This is gritty. This is frustrating. This is heartbreaking. This is my story, hard as it may be to tell. ********** My name is Sullivan Beal – at least, that’s what I tell people – and I live life by my own rules. Most of my adult life has been spent hiding from my past. That is, until I meet HIM face-to-face. Ben Hayes is the demanding C.O.O. who is hell-bent on having me for himself. But, I’m wrong for him. I know it, the universe knows it. If he ever found out who I really am, how utterly tainted I am, he wouldn’t waste his time wanting me. There are things in my past that would destroy everyone in my wake. But Ben is relentless, trying to break down the walls around my heart that a messy past has caused me to construct. It’s a pity he doesn’t know…I am too tainted for love. “Love isn’t for me, and my kind of love is too tainted, too blemished to share with anyone.”

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Broken Love (Tainted Love Book 2)

This isn't a perfect story. It's gritty, dark, frustrating but beautiful. Love isn't all hearts and flowers and bullshit declarations that are hollow and empty. If you love someone, you have to PROVE you're worth they're love. The road to happily ever after is paved with mistakes and horrible decisions...don't hold mine against me. The second in a three book series by Ghiselle St. James.

******* Sullivan: I have been captured by the only person I hate in this life; a person that I once foolishly loved. He is poison to me. Will I ever be free of him? Will I ever see Rachel again? Will I ever see my parents, my brother again? And Ben...will he ever know how I feel about him? So many wasted days I spent resisting him. A tear trickles down my face at that; because as I see Rick shaking that needle with a wicked gleam in his eye, I know this is the last time anyone will ever see me alive. ***** Ben: I've worked very hard to maintain this control I have, but in just a few weeks Sullivan Beal came into my life and toppled my carefully constructed walls, and for a moment I didn't care. Now that she is out of my life, I should be happy...but all I can do is think about her; how I miss her smile and how she made me feel free. I have to get her back. The love I have for her may not be perfect, but our relationship scarcely is. And that's what makes it perfect. She may be tainted with demons from her past that she holds close to her chest, but I will free her from them; because as frustrating as my sweet girl is...I'm in this for the long haul. She might be broken, but I love her anyway. But one phone call...that dreaded phone call has me in a tailspin. Sullivan is kidnapped & it's a race against time to find her before he hurts her... Or worse...

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Ghiselle St. James is a Jamaican author who has a never-ending love for written thoughts: poetry, song lyrics and fiction. A songwriter by the age of 9, Ghiselle enjoys singing just as much as she loves writing. She has been writing erotic novels since she was 13 years old. Never mind that they went unpublished; she had something inside her that wanted to break free…and it helped that it made her popular with the boys (hehe). Writing has been her outlet for most of her life, and will continue to be. Ghiselle lives in Jamaica with her husband, Chris, and her handsome baby, Panthro the cat. She works full time but always makes time for music, writing, reading and chatting on Goodreads. Ugh, I hate talking about myself in the third person. Anywho… I went to the Jamaica Theological Seminary (haha, yes!) where I studied Social Work and graduated with honors in June 2010. Since then, the writer in me has reawakened and hasn’t gone to sleep. I completed my first novel in January of 2013 which led me into writing my debut novel South Row in March 2014. I pray my passion brings you as much joy as it has brought me.  

Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Amazon Author Page ~ Goodreads Author Page

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Hosted by This Girl Loves Books

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Cover Reveal Healing Hearts

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Title: Waking Up

Series: Healing Hearts

Author: Renee Dyer

Genre: Contemporary Adult Romance

Release Date: March 23, 2014


For Adriana Monroe life couldn’t get any better.  She has great friends, her photography business is booming and she married Alex, her childhood best friend.  Life is perfect.  It’s a fairy tale really.

But one night changes everything for her.

Suddenly she’s alone.  She’s afraid to trust and afraid to love.  Most of all she’s afraid she’s broken beyond repair.  Nightmares torment and haunt her every time she closes her eyes.

Will she ever be the same?

For Tucker Stavros it looks to the outside world like things come easy for him.  He’s gorgeous, rich, famous, has a hot girlfriend.  Hell, he’s a movie star.  If women aren’t trying to get with him then men are wishing they are him.  What they don’t see is the broken child hiding behind the smiles he fakes for the cameras.  They don’t see the man who wakes up drenched in sweat from his nightmares from a past he can’t escape.

Betrayal sends him running.

A chance encounter throws Tucker and Adriana together.  They try to fight their attraction for each other.

They feel they’re too broken for the other.

Will they continue to suffer in the hell of dreamland separately or will they find that Waking Up to real life together can be so much sweeter?






B & N







Title: Eyes Wide Open


Series: Healing Hearts


Author: Renee Dyer


Genre: Contemporary Adult Romance


Release Date: August 11, 2014




Adriana Monroe had her life planned out.  She was going to marry Alex, have a house full of kids, and spend as much time as possible with their friends.  But, life had other plans.  Life stole Alex from her and Adriana grieved his loss so badly, when she had the chance to love again with Tucker Stavros, she couldn’t do it.  She was broken and felt her love for Alex would break Tucker, too.  So, she walked away.

Now, her heart is shattered and she’s mourning the loss of both men.

Tucker Stavros has lived his life looking for love.  After losing his mom at a young age and being abandoned by his dad, the only love he’s known is from his Grams.  His relationships have been disasters.  He’s never felt that spark… until he met Adriana Monroe.  Everything changed for him the second he saw her smile.  He didn’t care that she was grieving.  He didn’t care that she was broken.  He saw himself in her lost eyes.  He would have done anything to make her his.  Just when he thought they were becoming something special, she walked out of his life, crushing his heart.

Now, he’s alone, afraid he’ll never find anyone that makes him feel the way he felt for her.

Tragedy strikes and Tucker and Adriana find themselves thrown together once more.  Will she continue to protect him by staying away, or will she find that her heart will take what it wants?  Will Tucker shy away from her, or will he run to her and show her why they belong together?
 Will they hide from each other, or will they walk into the unknown with their Eyes Wide Open knowing that in order to heal, you have to first be broken?


Title: Beneath His Darkness
Series: Healing Hearts
Author: Renee Dyer
Genre: Contemporary Adult Romance/Suspense
Release Date: February 23, 2015
If I could describe my world in a color, it would be black.
My heart is black. My mind is black. Everything is black.

I let darkness take over when I was sixteen. That’s when my world fell apart. That’s when I learned Tucker Stavros took my life away from me. I’ve spent years allowing the darkness to comfort me; letting it take my emotions and box them up. Why do I need emotions anyway? They only make me weak. I need to be strong for what needs to be done.

What needs to be done, you ask?

That’s simple. Destroy Tucker. Bring him to his knees. Show him how it feels to lose everything.

Well, that was the plan, until Cammie Richards walked into my life. Now there are gray areas — slight color bleeding through the black.
What happens when she looks beneath my darkness and sees the monster lurking there? Will she run away or try to save me?

How do I tell her I can’t be saved?


From a young age Renee Dyer had a love of writing, starting with a doodle pad at age four that soon turned into journals and later computer documents.  Poetry became short stories and short stories became a novel.  Although she's surrounded by males all day having three sons, a husband and a hyperactive chocolate lab, she still finds time to be all woman when she escapes into the fantasy of reading and writing romance.  That is, until she needs male perspective and garners eye rolling from her husband.  She's a true New Englander.  You'll find her screaming profanity at her TV while the Pats play and cuddling under blankets during the cold seasons (which is most of them) reading a good book.  To her snow is not a reason to shut things down, only a reason to slow down and admire the beauty.  Ask her questions and she'll answer them.  She's an open book, pun fully intended.





Thursday, April 16, 2015

Until November by Aurora Rose Reynolds review by Heather

Until November (Until, #1)Until November by Aurora Rose Reynolds
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Very great book. I got to finally read this book after hearing about this book almost a year ago. I loved it from the beginning to the end. I loved how we got to meet a character that was not planning on falling in love with someone and then you meet one character that has been waiting for his one true love. And when you read about how they meet and what obsticles they have to go through every time you turn around, it was really great. So glad that I got to finally read this book and can't wait to read the next book!

View all my reviews

Plastic Confidence by Alisa Mullen Review by Heather

Plastic Confidence (The Good Bye Trilogy, #1)Plastic Confidence by Alisa Mullen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I think this book was really good. I enjoyed it a lot. I love being able to get into a book and be able to enjoy what happens. Yes there was a lot of suspense about what was going to happen between the characters. I loved the begging and I especially loved the ending when they ended up being together and she found the one person that she belonged with for her whole life. I think the author did a great job and can not wait to read or listen to the next one. Great job!

View all my reviews

Blog Tour Tara Oakes Kingsmen MC

The first four Kingsmen MC Books are now all together in a collection!
*** Warning *** This collection is intended for those 18 years or older due to mature and sexual content.  Journey through Jay and Lil's epic love story and explore the growing romance between Clink and Charlie, book after book at an incredible value.  BOOK #1- A LIL' LESS BROKEN  Lil's and Jay lived their very own fairytale biker romance. He was her first love, her only love. She was what he needed, what he wanted.  Insecurities, fear and misconceptions lead Lil's to make a heartbreaking decision to abandon that life and love behind, before it consumes and destroys her as it did her mother years earlier.  But.. moving on isn't so easy when you are deeply connected to your past.  When Lil's finds herself in a whirlwind of danger her knight in shining armor, er..., her badass biker on a Harley bails her out. But at what cost?  BOOK 2- A LIL' LESS LOST  Do fairytale's always have a happily ever after? Jay and Lil's had just found the love they once shared and foolishly lost. But, a horrific turn events threatens to end it forever. Jay must race against time to save his ol' lady Lil's and their baby before tragedy strikes. In this sequel we learn more about Jay, the deep love he has for his soulmate, and just how far he is willing to go to protect her.  This novella is approx. 50,500 words and does not contain a cliffhanger ending like it's prequel. However, an epic love story like Lil's and Jay cannot possibly be wrapped up in two tidy little novella's... now can it?  BOOK 3- A LIL' LESS HOPELESS  Jay and Lils' epic tale of true love has unfolded, first in 'A Lil' Less Broken', followed by 'A Lil' Less Lost', and now concludes in the third installment of Tara Oakes' thrilling Kingsmen MC saga.  Jay has proven his loyalty over and over... that he is willing to do whatever necessary for his one true love, his Lil' one, Julia. She just so happens to have an uncanny ability to find herself in need of that loyalty time and again.  What happens when the tables turn and it is Lil's who must risk it all to save her ol' man? To prove once and for all, to him, and to the MC they call family that she is no longer the little girl they've known. But instead, is a fierce ol' lady determined not to stand idly by as everything she has worked so hard to regain is threatened.  BOOK 4- BITTER SWEET DECEPTION  The Kingsmen M.C's saga continues in this newest installment of Tara Oakes' tantalizing new series. In the first three novella's you've come to know and love the characters within the club. Jay and Lil's have had their epic love story play out over the pages of "A Lil' Less Broken", followed by "A Lil' Less Lost" and finally, "A Lil' Less Hopeless". While their fairytale is far from over, the next arc in the series concentrates on some of the other intriguing characters that have been woven throughout Jay and Lil's storyline.  The question on everyone's mind is.... WHO IS CHARLIE? And what is she hiding?  Planting herself deep within the club's inner circle, Charlie came to Chisolm with one goal in mind... to destroy the Kingsmen, M.C., no matter the personal cost. An unknown hatred fuels her mission to take them down. Pairing herself up with one of the club's bad boy's, the M.C.'s enforcer, Clink, seemed like just the ticket to get her in the door.  Once inside the club she had been eyeing from afar, she comes to realizes things are very different from what she had imagined them to be. Villainizing the group as a whole for an injustice that was done to her many years earlier no longer seemed to fit with growing attachments and relationships she was forming.  If you'd like to purchase the collection, feel free to grab your copy here:Amazon US
Tara is a thirty something newbie author from Long Island, New York. She's a voracious reader, a passionate writer and obsessive junk T.V. aficionado. When she's not doing one of those three things she is attempting to garden, hanging with her hubby or partaking in some retail therapy. She enjoys connecting with her readers and is having a blast entering into this new world of publishing.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

BLOG TOUR: Contrite by Kathy Coopmans

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CONTRITE by Kathy Coopmans
Release Date- April 6th
Blog Tour - April 6th-15th


Buy Links:

Come join the Release Party for Contrite
April 6th-8th
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I jump, catching sight of Zack out of my peripheral vision.

“Christ, you scared the shit out of me!”

I sit back in my chair with a smile on my face, placing my hand over my heart as I slump back in my seat. I laugh, finding the situation funny. Pulling my
ear buds out, I watch my brother as he strolls in and sits across from me at my desk. But he’s not laughing or smiling.

“There’s something wrong,” I say in a strangled voice.

“Yeah, there is.”

“Is . . .?”

I start crying and can’t seem to get any words to come out. My chest starts heaving and I hold onto the edge of my desk, my knuckles snow white from my
tight grip.

“Is he cheating on me?”

“It’s worse, Clove. Much worse.”

The way he looks at me tells me whatever his news is, it’s going to rip me to shreds.

“Wha-what is it?” I can barely choke the words out.

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Author Bio:

Kathy is a Michigan native where she lives with her husband Tony. They have two son's Aaron and Shane.

She is a sports nut. Her favorite sports include NASCAR, Baseball and Football.

By day she is a hairstylist and loves her job.

She has always been an avid reader and at the young age of 50 decided she wanted to write. She claims she can do several things at once and still stay on
task. Her favorite quote is "I got this."

Author Links:

Instagram @authorkathycoopmans

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Monday, April 13, 2015



Kia Carrington-Russell is a young author writing from her Australian home. Kia is supported by her helpful friends, family and readers. Most of all she is assisted by her Ying and Yang kitties, Isa and Forest, as well as her Cavoodle, Sia, who are always by her side as she busily types away in her office.
Kia completed her first manuscript, Possession Of My Soul: The Three Immortal Blades, when she was fifteen. After graduating from high school, Kia pursued freelance journalism. After working for half a year within the sales section of the local paper, Kia realised journalism was not what she wanted to focus on.
Kia started Ther Precious Living website, which is a self-help blog publishing weekly affirmations. It was a way to express her enjoyment of photography as well as reaching out to readers who might not be feeling positive in their current lifestyles. She often published motivational stories, hoping to fill many with gratitude for what they had, instead of focusing on what they didn't.
In the year of 2014, Kia took her first manuscript seriously, and on May 15, Kia's first book was published. Since then Kia has continued writing and publishing many works from the Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance, and Action genres. Kia has many more books planned for the future.
In 2015, Kia's self-publishing services and promotional services became live. She is now CEO of both Crystal Publishing and Crystal Book Promoters, which have been designed to help other authors at an affordable price. The mission is to guide writers through the perilous journey of self-publication.
Kia enjoys dancing, cooking, painting, manga, anime, eating (loves eating), reading, and is very competitive in all games, no matter what game.

From Kia:

Thank you to all my friends, family, and readers who have supported me. You have no idea how much it truly means to me; the support inspires me to keep writing. I am very grateful for the kind words you offer me and for telling others of my books.
Thank you everyone so much,



The sun’s light dimmed many centuries before; now in the year of 2,341 rampant vampires now stalk their victims in a half-lit world. Humanity has been overtaken by a new society: one comprised of vampires, the supernatural beings that hunt them, and the remaining humans they fight over. The laws and rules that once bound our world have long since been lost. Now, the Hunter Guild struggle to stay one step ahead of the Vampire Council.

Esmore, Token Huntress, has exceeded all expectations at only 18 years of age. She is fearless leader to her team, and she is relentless in her pursuit of the enemy. There is only one problem: Esmore is struggling to repress the growing darkness that seduces her from within. Esmore takes another step into the darkness when she encounters a teasing, tantalizing -- utterly unignorable -- vampire.

The lines between right and wrong are blurred further as Esmore gives into her temptation, and her reality becomes deliciously tainted both with evil and with lust.


Even when I conjured all my strength, his speed was unmatched. He grabbed my sword with his hands, blood spurting everywhere, his eyes now savage on me. In one swift movement he threw it away, grabbing my throat, ready to rip out my heart. His fangs were very large and blood dripped over them. Had he bitten into one of his own comrades? I could not breathe, but I did not gasp for air. I would not fall so far as to want mercy from his kind.

                Before he plunged his fingers into me a hand stopped him. My heart pounded, yet I was not scared to face death. A swift movement was made and I fell to the floor, holding my throat. Whoever had grabbed his hand tore him away from me. I looked up in front of me to see the familiar coat. It was Chase. His back was to me as he faced the vampire who had almost killed me. Did the Council really have such old and strong vampires right under our noses?

                “Don’t touch her. She’s mine,” Chase snarled, holding two swords.

                “She threatened Whitney!” the other vampire spluttered.

                “Tythian.” The small voice of the woman from behind him broke the tension. “It’s okay, we can go now.”

He buckled to his knees in front of her, cupping her face gently. “I’m sorry,” he whispered to her. “I did not know they would use you for this.” She gently caressed his face. In amidst the ghastly noises of weapons scraping against one another, it seemed to them that nothing else mattered as they gazed into one another’s eyes devotedly.

“Let’s go home,” she said with a reassuring smile. I was mortified how comfortable she was in the blood war that raged around her.

Before I could stand, the vampire had grabbed her chair and, with lightning speed, they were gone.

Chase turned to me, his fangs not as large as Tythian’s, but I could see he too was a very old vampire. “Esmore,” he whispered. Before I could run for my sword to use it against him, he had already vanished, leaving me by myself.

Kora and Kasey were the reason why he fled. They had advanced on him, trying to entrap him. For what reason he hadn’t tried to kill them I wasn’t sure. He simply hid amongst the dark. I could still feel his presence close by, but it felt as if he were only watching. Not fighting, but just watching how everything would play out. Realizing Chase was gone, they focused on another three vampires, entrapping them as Dillian and Tori covered their backs. One by one, the girls trapped more. There were so many of them.

Teary was fighting off four. Except for Tythian and Chase, they all seemed like younger vampires. You could tell by their strength and speed. Usually we could challenge vampires if they were no more than one hundred and fifty years old. After that it became very difficult to compete against a vampire who had lived for so long.

James was now by my side. He had gathered my Barnett bow and sword for me. I used my arrows instantly on a vampire who ran for me, piercing his chest. He crumbled to the ground, quickly decaying. I roared in anger at how easily I had been overcome by the previous two vampires. I sliced through another vampire, cutting down his throat and through his belly. I cut across another’s head, slitting their throat and puncturing their chest. I raged again, feeling myself fill with hatred and a need to see their blood. I cut off one’s arm, plunging my sword into its chest, driving so deep into it that after a few steps I had nailed it to a tree. It slumped around my sword, its skin turning a shade of black. I pulled it out, watching it begin to decay.

A huge fire lit behind me. Teary was controlling the flames, sweeping over the ten of them that encircled her. There must have been one hundred vampires. This was a well-thought out ambush. James grabbed one vampire’s throat and then another as it ran from behind him. Smashing both their heads together, they shattered from the impact. James steely skin was impenetrable. He grabbed his sword from the ground. A vampire must have knocked it out of his hand. He punctured both in the chest before they could heal.

In the distance I could feel the presence of many more coming. For that many we would have to use the grenade. It was us against many. As if knowing what I was thinking, James ran to Teary as she continued to sweep her hand containing the fire around.

In the distance a vampire stalked toward Teary. He too was strong and old. I had the feeling that others followed him as their numbers grew. James now had the grenade, and he was pulling the pin. Inwardly I counted the short seconds in my head. Ten, nine. Teary continued to control her flames, still engulfing the many around her. Eight, seven. Two vampires came at me and quickly I thrust my sword into them, before shooting an arrow into another oncoming vampire. Six, five. James threw the grenade at the large army that stampeded toward us.

The leading vampire swept one hand across them both. Teary’s flames were instantly put out as a gust of wind extinguished it. The wind not only pushed James and Teary back but Dillian, Tori, Kasey, and Kora as it smashed into their backs, throwing them forward. It had even taken the Council vampires along with it. This vampire had the gift of control over wind. The grenade was thrown toward my team.

Four, three.

With all the speed I could muster I ran for them, grabbing a hold of the grenade in the air. I ran into the distance so the grenade was nowhere near them, throwing it at the army that charged toward them.

Two, One.

The grenade exploded near the army, but shattered much more than just that. Quickly a burst of dust swept over me. The burning flames of the explosion encased my body. I heard my name whispered by an angelic voice, but noted it was probably the afterlife calling for me. This must now be my time of death.

Sneak Peek in to the first chapter Free below! one/


Omg I can't begin to tell you how many feelings and emotions this book has depicted on my heart embedding in my soul forever. It truly has made an impact on my heart. It left me breathless at times wanting and craving more. Kia how could you stop! Give me more!!!

Most vampire novels starts out with the same plot and twist but, this one dis surprise me. We have a tough as nails heroine that doesn't mind telling you nor showing you how how she feels, yet she's true to her heart and others. Then we have Chase. Omg yes Chase, he's hot, dreamy, and fine as hell vampire sure of himself and his future relationship with an enemy. There are so many characters that bring it alive and so much more! I can't wait to find out more and get to know all the characters!!!

Kia takes a sensitive ugly subject and gives you a look into a mind so tormented, for instance, there is so much prejudice between the two because it's one long battle going on since forever, but they soon learn that a lot is taught and learned. They battle through these obstacles and find a love that stands against time in the middle of battles and hard times. Will there love changes things and ideas of others? Will there friends merge together and become a force to be reckoned with?

You begin to feel her pain, her grief, her rage. My heart hurt for her, my eyes cried for her, my mind wanted revenge for her, but my heart wanted more for her. Don't get on board this ride if your not prepared because it will change you. You did an outstanding job at this novel Kia my heart is merged with this novel. I'm now going through withdrawals. Sigh...

Buy Links 

Paperback Russell/dp/0994299907/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1428441242& amp;sr=8-6&keywords=kia+carrington+russell

Ebook on Amazon ebook/dp/B00UXK9IFU/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&a mp;sr=8-6&qid=1428441242


Saturday, April 11, 2015

BLOG TOUR: Thrust by Victoria Ashley


Thrust by Victoria Ashley

Release Date: April 6th


Release Date Party:

Cover Designer:

tag172 brothers... 1 girl...

I never expected to be that girl. The one desiring the touch of two brothers and being thrust into a world of intense pleasure. Not in reality anyway.

Both of these brothers are out to please and they both have the equipment to do it. The Wilder brothers have proved that.

Kyan Wilder fucks like no other man I've ever experienced. He's rough, creative and still willing to be gentle when you need it. He's every single woman's desire brought to life and he's not willing to let me go until he's done pleasing me in every possible way he can.

Hunter Wilder is a loose cannon. He likes to party, get wild and then show you a good time in the bedroom. He keeps me pleased and reminds me that I'm still young and not everything in life needs to be so serious.

We're all fine with sharing. Things are going smoothly. It saves the brothers from having to commit and it ensures that I'll always get the sexual satisfaction that I desire. I mean what girl doesn’t dream of having sex with the two most sinfully sexiest brothers to walk this earth?

Well I didn’t… Until I got a taste.

But then I remembered that nothing this good lasts forever...Thrust teaser 2

tag19Enjoying the night air, we both sit here in silence until we’re both done enjoying our food. With bellies full, Hunter pushes the garbage out of the way and lays backward, lacing his fingers behind his head.

“I’m taking it Tori still hates me from that time I hit her with my football. That was about what… seven years ago?”

I lay back beside him and laugh. “Yeah, but that’s Tori for ya. She isn’t too fond of balls that big hitting her in the face if you know what I mean. You kind of overstepped her boundaries I guess.”

“How about you?”

I lean up on my elbow. “Excuse me?” I laugh as he reaches out and pulls me on top of him.

“Have I overstepped your boundaries?” He nips my bottom lip with his teeth. “Because I can’t seem to keep my hands to myself.”

I shake my head and rub my hand over his stomach, admiring the feel of his hard body beneath my fingers. “You’re not the only one,” I admit.

His eyes look down to my breasts before he licks his lips and pulls me down to kiss him. My body instantly reacts to his touch and I find myself forgetting about everything else and just enjoying the moment for what it is.

He grips my hips and grinds into me as I sit up higher, straddling him. His erection against me instantly gets me hot and I lose all train of thought as he touches me.

“I love seeing you on top of me.” He pulls me toward him and kisses me again, gently tugging on my bottom lip before releasing it. “I want you to ride me right here in the back of my truck. I think it would be really fucking hot; you know, to sneak around like we all had to do in high school, having sex when and wherever we could without getting caught.”

I feel a surge of excitement shoot through me at the thought, totally getting lost in his words. “That does sound really hot. Ironically things are so much hotter when there is risk involved.” I can’t help the smile that takes over my lips as he watches me move against him. I’m turning him on and I never thought that would be possible.

Before I know it, we’re both fighting to get our clothes off and Hunter is reaching for a condom and slipping it on. He never seems to waste any time getting inside me. That’s the difference between him and Kyan. Kyan never seems rushed. He’s into pleasuring me first, while Hunter’s into fucking me hard and fast. They both have me completely satisfied and wanting more. I didn’t realize that was possible.Thrust Teaser

tag15Victoria Ashley grew up in Rockford, IL and has had a passion for reading for as long as she can remember. After finding a reading app where it allowed readers to upload their own stories, she gave it a shot and writing became her passion.

She lives for a good romance book with tattooed bad boys that are just highly misunderstood and is not afraid to be caught crying during a good read. When she’s not reading or writing about bad boys, you can find her watching her favorites shows such as Sons Of Anarchy, Dexter and True Blood.

She is the author of Wake Up Call, This Regret, Slade, Hemy, and Get Off on the Pain. Victoria is currently working on more releases for 2015.
Victoria on Twitter: @VictoriaAAuthor
Victoria’s Facebook Page: Teaser 2

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