Saturday, January 24, 2015

Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher

Best friends since they could walk. In love since the age of fourteen. 
Complete strangers since this morning. 
He'll do anything to remember. She'll do anything to forget. 
I have no clue where to start. Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher pull you from the first paragraph. They've got you wondering why and how? I absolutely love reading this book. I had a hard time putting it down because I wanted answers. As the synopsis said they've been apart of each other's lives their entire life and now they are strangers. You really feel Silas' pull towards wanting to remember and figure it all out while Charlie wants to forget and doesn't believe she is who they say she is.

I loved how the chapters alternated between Silas' and Charlie's point of views. I feeling doing that allows you into both of their heads as they uncover clues, secrets and learn about themselves. The absolute only thing I hated was the cliffhanger ending. I hate cliffhangers but I strongly recommend reading this.

5/5 rating.

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